Ask your doctor for a referral to a clinical psychologist. 让你的医生给你推荐一位临床心理学家。
Eric J.Dammann, a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst with a private practice in Manhattan. 本文作者埃里克•J•达曼博士是一名临床心理学家和心理分析学家,在曼哈顿拥有一家私人诊所。
He shot and killed a clinical psychologist who was entering the abortion clinic. 他开枪打死了一位正往诊所里走的临床心理医生。
Despite it being a one-off, clinical psychologist Luanda Young said it would have a definite impact on the boy. 临床心理医生LuandaYoung表示,就算只是一次性事件,但是这件事对男孩的影响是很深远的。
Clinical psychologist, Ron Bracey, said that men have traditionally been reluctant to share their emotions with friends and tended to keep their feelings bottled up. 临床心理学家罗恩•布里斯称,过去,男人们都不太愿意与朋友分享情感,而是更愿意把感情埋在心里。
The study was written by clinical psychologist Dr Linda Papadopoulos for the Home Office. 这一研究报告是由临床心理学家琳达•帕帕多普洛斯博士为英国内政部撰写的。
Workers like to feel part of their tribe again after the weekend and need to chat to each other and spend time in communal areas, according to clinical psychologist Professor Alex Gardner. 临床心理学教授AlexGardner介绍:在周末之后,工作者们就感觉又回到了自己的群体一样,他们需要交谈,并花费时间在群体领域上。
His colleague, a clinical psychologist, made an immediate diagnosis. He must be depressed. 斯蒂基特的同事是一位临床心理学家。他迅速给斯蒂基特做了个诊断:一定是抑郁症。
But according to Dr. Richard D. Ginsburg, a clinical psychologist and sports psychology consultant for Massachusetts General Hospital, the tantrums of professional players are often made of stronger stuff. 但按照RichardD.Ginsburg博士的说法,作为麻州综合医院的一个临床心理学家和运动学心理顾问,他认为职业球员的愤怒是被高压逼出来的。
Nelson, a clinical psychologist, bases her list on the research she did for her e-book, Got a Bad Boss? Work That Boss to Get What You Want at Work. 尼尔森是一名临床心理学家,她为电子书《如何让坏上司为你所用》(GotaBadBoss?WorkThatBosstoGetWhatYouWantatWork)进行了一些研究,然后给出了建议行为清单。
BT: As a clinical psychologist, what advice do you have for coping with emotions like anxiety which inevitably arise during times of economic uncertainty? BT:作为一名临床心理学家,您对于处在当下经济形势不稳定的时刻,那些内心焦虑的年轻人有什么建议?
Around two-thirds of lifetime income growth takes place during the first ten years of a career, according to clinical psychologist Meg Jay. 临床心理学家梅格?杰指出,人一生中约三分之二的收入增长是在职业生涯的头十年发生的。
Mary Alvord is a clinical psychologist in Silver Spring, Md., whose new book, Resilience Builder Program for Children and Adolescents, teaches self-control strategies. 玛丽·阿尔沃德马里兰州银泉的一位临床心理医生,她的新书《儿童和青少年韧性培养计划》教导自我控制策略。
Clinical psychologist Dr Jennifer Baumgartner has claimed our wardrobe decisions tell others about secret desires that we are trying to hide, the Daily Mail reported. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,临床心理医生詹妮弗·鲍姆加特纳表示,衣橱可以向其他人揭示我们内心被试图隐藏的欲望。
I mentioned this to a colleague, who suggested I call his wife, Suzanne Southworth, then a clinical psychologist consulting with nursing homes in the Washington area. 我向一位同事提到了这件事,他的妻子苏姗娜索斯沃思是华盛顿一家养老院的临床心理咨询专家,他建议我打电话给他的妻子。
However, Dr Roderick Oner, a clinical psychologist and dream expert, said that this kind of visualisation would be of limited help when it came to interpreting the "complex dream narrative". 然而,临床心理医生兼梦境专家罗德里希奥内尔博士认为,这种影像对于解读“复杂的梦境故事”帮助不大。
You can deal with this surge of emotions if you've practiced going to a Zen place during your training, says Lucinda Seares-Monica, Psy. D., a clinical psychologist in Freehold, New Jersey. 如果您在训练过程中进行过禅宗练习,您就能够应对这种情绪高涨,她是心理学博士,Freehold,NewJersey的临床心理医生。
She works as a clinical psychologist. 她是一个临床心理学家。
A clinical psychologist may practice in a hospital, mental health clinic, or private practice, and must be licensed by the state in order to practice. 一名临床心理学家可以在医院,精神卫生诊所,或私人诊所等实习,但值得注意的是这些单位必须由国家批准授权。
When I first came to psychology, however, I wanted to be a clinical psychologist. 而当我第一次接触心理学时,我想成为一位临床心理学家。
MS Leung is a registered clinical psychologist of the Hong Kong Psychological society. 梁女士为香港心理学会注册临床心理学家。
He's registered with the state as a clinical psychologist. 他是在州里注册的临床心理学医生。
Women who see an older man showing off his abs will just think he is silly, according to a clinical psychologist. 临床心理学家指出,如果一个老男人秀自己的肌肉的话,那么女人会觉得他很傻。
The difference in gender perception is probably a more significant problem than people imagine, according to Carolyn kaufman, a clinical psychologist and an assistant professor at Columbus State Community College in ohio. 临床心理学家、俄亥俄州哥伦比亚州立社区学院的助理教授卡罗琳?考夫曼说,男女在情人节礼物认识上的差别可能是一个比人们想象的严重得多的问题。
Conducted by Rachel Poon, Senior Clinical Psychologist of Kwai Chung Hospital, the workshop explained the importance of emotion managment and the different elements of emotion. 讲者透过工作坊向同学解释情绪管理的重要,使他们明白情绪变化的成因。
Bae Joo-Mi, a clinical psychologist at the Korea Youth Counseling Institute, said the number of calls for help has grown over the years. 临床心理学家白珠美说,求救电话过去几年来增加了。
It is not the job of a clinical psychologist to study the history of banking crises, but it should be the job of an economist. 毕竟,研究银行业危机史不是临床心理学家的工作,而应该是经济学家的事情。
This article is contributed by Kwok Wai Wai, Clinical Psychologist, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service. 本文由浸信会爱羣社会服务处临床心理学家郭韡韡提供。
Actually, I'm a clinical psychologist. 其实我是临床心理医生。